Tuition Fees for First-Year Students (Academic Year 2024-2025)

The Academic Year is divided into 2 semesters. The first(fall) semester begins in August, the second(spring) semester in February.
*For international students, the tuition fee of undergraduate programs of the School of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine & School of Dentistry is twice as much as that of local and Overseas Chinese Students.


ItemEstimated Cost (USD)Reference
InsurancePrivate Group (Health) Insurance160/the first 6 monthsOffice of Global Affairs
National Health Insurance (NHI)170/per semester
Campus Network User Fees25/the 1st year of studiesOffice of Library and Information Service
4/per semester for students living in the University’s dormitories
Accommodation*On-Campus Dormitory (Dorm A)400/per semesterOffice of Students Affairs
Off-Campus Housingat least 150~230/per month
Living expenses*270~400/per month
*The accommodation and the cost of living vary depending on personal situation.

KMU Guidelines for Refunds to Suspended or Withdrawn Students 

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