Q1: I want to study at Kaohsiung Medical University. What programs do you offer? How do I apply?
KMU offers many degree programs in various fields, including Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biology, Chemistry, etc.. For a detailed description of the programs offered at KMU, please refer to the Application Guidelines for International Students.
To apply to study at KMU, please follow the application procedure to complete online applications.
Q2: When does the semester start?
At KMU, each academic year consists of two semesters.
The first semester starts around early-September, while the second semester starts late-February.
The exact dates are subject to change from year to year.
Q3: How much are the tuition fees?
Tuition fees are approximately NT$ 50,000-150,000 (US$ 1,670-5,000) per semester.
The precise figure is subject to change.
For a detailed outline of tuition fees, please refer to the section “Tuition & Fee“.
Q4: Do I need to know Chinese to apply?
All the undergraduate programs are taught mainly in Chinese. Therefore, undergraduate applicants are recommended to have adequate level of Chinese, in order to achieve excellent academic performance.
Most of graduate programs offer courses in English, applicants may check the Application Guidelines for details.
Q5: Can international students in Taiwan take professional exams?
Foreign nationals who apply to perform professional or technical services in the R.O.C.(Taiwan) should pass examinations as stipulated by Professionals and Technologists Examinations Act (專門職業及技術人員考試法) and obtain professional licenses and appropriate approvals from relevant authorities, unless otherwise stipulated by law.
Foreign nationals are currently eligible to take the Professional or Technologist Examinations in the corresponding categories: lawyers, accountants, patent agents, architects, engineers of all categories, medical doctors, Chinese medicine practitioners, dentists, pharmacists, medical technologists, registered professional nurses, registered professional midwives, clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, respiratory therapists, medical radiologists, dieticians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, audiologists, dental technologists, veterinarians, social workers; realty appraisers, land registration agents, realtors, insurance brokers, insurance agents, insurance notaries, certified public bookkeepers, tour guides, and tour managers. The acts and regulations stipulated for R.O.C. nationals shall apply mutatis mutandis to foreign nationals with regard to candidate qualifications, examination subjects, subjects exempt from examination, methods of examination, physical examination, calculation of test scores, and passing requirements in the above-said categories.
Please refer to the website of Ministry of Examination for more information:
Ministry of Examination
Q1: I’m going to graduate and haven’t obtained yet the highest degree certificate. Can I still apply for admission?
Applicants graduating in the current year shall submit “the certificate of expected graduation” or “the certificate of enrollment” in the application period, and the diploma is required upon registration at KMU.
Q2: Can I still modify my application forms after printing them out?
No. Once your click on any of “print out” buttons, you are no longer able to make any modifications. However, before the admission application deadline, you can contact the office of Admissions & Student Recruitment Division to “unlock” your application form.
Technical Supports: enr@kmu.edu.tw
Q1: When exactly I will be notified about my application results?
The office of Admissions & Student Recruitment Division will contact applicants about the application results on the scheduled announcement dates, which is outlined on “Application Schedule” for each intake. Applicants can also check their application results by logging into their personal account on the application website.
Q2: Will I have KMU Scholarship application resutls along with admission resutls?
Yes. Applicants will have their admission results and KMU Scholarship results at the same time. If applicants have concerns regarding KMU Scholarship, they can approach Office of Global Affairs for details. Email: ciae@kmu.edu.tw
If you cannot find an answer please contact relevant units via E-mail and we’ll answer you as soon as possible.
– Applications & Admissions: enr@kmu.edu.tw
– Registration & Curriculum: academic@kmu.edu.tw
– Scholarships/Short-term exchange programs: ciae@kmu.edu.tw
– Dormitory/Students’ Life Assistance: osa@kmu.edu.tw
– Mandarin Learning: lc@kmu.edu.tw